15 November, 2010

Today is were the classyness has been !!

So know it !!

My hair having washed it with soap was vile, but i still hadv't bought shampoo... so I was like shit what shall I do??
Washing up liquid ....hellz yes i am that grim and i now smell like washing up whats been left and kinda musty! Boss !! this truely is my finest hour !

other events of the day !
i realised i'm ill and poor ! so my illness is going to have to go away with the 8 paracetemol I have left !! good luck immune system !

also at 9.14am, as I was lying asleep feeling ill. I heard a knock at the door, ignored it and rolled over, next thing key in the door, next thing man in my room. Instead of looking shocked and apologising he tries to have a conversation with me, which in my tiredness and shock lead to me saying 'eugh' and skweeming into a ball shape under my cover until he left ! The joys of halls !


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