20 November, 2010

I should be doing work !!

ok so just took a quick break - well i slept so like a 10 hours break - from work ! wurgh that amount of time lost has made me feel sick ! Anyway to act do that work i celotaped up my phone and my intetnet connection socket so i could no get distracted! it is, however, amazing how long you can stare at a wall for without even realising ! urgh ! i was also gonna photograph the phone and comp but then i realised the only camera i have with me in on my phone ! eek !!

also i wanted to put this trailer ... the film looks shit but the kid at the end is soooo cute when he says "omg i have that" !! awwwwwwwwwwww !!! you can just jump to like 2.19 to see it !!

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