22 November, 2010

Can you read my palm, can you read my mind?

No you can't ... neither can I but if you are here you can read these blog posts !!

So A LOT is occuring here at the OK PHO headquarters ! - word play kinda due to my real name !

I managed to go my 2 essays completed by the deadline ... word play cause i now feel dead !!

apparently this post in aboot fake wordplay !!

well i didn't have an agenda but am quite enjoying how its turning out !!

I have a head-ache name play again !

I wanna pho for dinner but Kim said to wait and as she is my controller i must remain here until i recieve further instructions ! Plus i might b too tired to stand ?

my feet are also wet due to the rain !! joyous !!

ok audiiiii for nowdiiiii

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