22 November, 2010

desperate housewives!

im blogging cos holly told me to
and i fear holly so.............
Im not sure if ive mentioned before but i watch desperate housewives and recently i got colm to start watching it (he's currently up to season 5 woop woop!)
so yeh sunday night we were watching some episodes from season 5 when i realised:
so for the rest of my evening im proper excited, i wake up, late for school, and think maybe its a sign, maybe i shouldnt go to school, MAYBE I SHOULD STAY HOME AND WATCH DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES!!! but then i end up going school cos my attendance in like 1% and im only 3 months in to the year..
FAST FORWARD: after coming home from a long day of school, rushing to colms house, then us both rushing to his work, then me getting caught in a train rush i finally come home sit down on the sofa and doze off and finally bring my self to set up the laptop and prepare myself for new desperate housewives!!
only to find out there is no new episodes cos of thanksgiving.
that is all

bare apples
kim xx

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