14 November, 2010

Colm got a BJ minus the B

Whats happening blog bitches, Captain AmeriColm is popping his head into your computer's vagina to give you a comprehensive report on what awesome goings on  are going on in his awesome life so sit back and take it like the blog whore you are.
First and foremost, let me set the scene: I (the delicious literary force of nature you know as Colm) have been looking for a J-O-B for a while now, turns out laughing at pictures of cats on the internet doesn't pay the bills. So I apply all over this bitch, I even applied for a job at Pho (a PHO job)  to no avail, all my applications fell flat on your mum's fat arse.
And then one day, I got a message on Facespacer with a link to apply at M&S, so I played my montage music (through the fire and the flames, naturally) and filled out that form smoke was coming off all 11 of my fingers, and by the great beard of Moses it worked, shit told my my application was succesful.
Now alls I had to do was book an interview, so I click the link to find an available slot... NONE AVAILABLE
Regular readers will know, Colm don't play that shit, but desperate times call for desperate measures, so I held off on the poo flinging assault I had pencilled in on the following tuesday and played the waiting game. It was less than 17 hours before the miracle took place, and that miracle my friends, came in the form of Kim.
Kim had a look while I was busy sculpting my guns and saving orphans from burning buildings, and found that there was a vacancy at covent garden. And she clicked that motherfucker. And it was good. 
Got my arse an interview and passed with swimming colours, so now I'll be earning money to feed my Pho addiction and contribute to what will be later known as the bible of OK PHO

Now i'm gonna boil my head because when Colm enters your computer, he enters every blog you've ever been with, and thats just nasty.

Felt good though didn't it?

Thought so

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