29 November, 2010


For all those Youtubers who dont know who Ryan Higa aka Niga Higa is i advise you watch/listen to this video
i heard his and Kev Jumba's parody of Rockateer by Far East Movement and to be honest i prefer the parody
Here it is
at risk of sounding proper cheap. CHECK ALL HIS VIDEOS IF YOU WANT A GOOD LAUGH

kim xx

long time no blog.

i have nothing to say apart from
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i hate ucas
but on a different topic here is some highly recommended foods to eat:
1. PHO
2. Hainanese Chicken Rice
3. Soft Shell Crab
4. Razor Clam
5. Lobster Noodles
6. Pho
7. Yum Woonsen
8. Pepper Lunch
9. Pad Thai
10. i cant think of anything else that wouldnt offend Holly's vegetarianism so holly, feel free to advise on some tasty veggie foods :)
kim xx

p.s who DOESNT love that video of me eating a banana backwards. i personally think its so cooooooolllllllll but when i start spitting out banana peices then it becomes less cool

27 November, 2010


at the pho (mo) i look like i am trying to have some mega statement haircut !! So i would like to promise you that i am not some twat and that i wud give a lot to have my casual madness back !

Yo motherphokers !!

ok right quick update re my hair !!

it used to be super long as you can see in that past video !

and thanks to some bad decisions on my behalf i currently look like i've stepped off the set of a low-budget 70s sitcom!!

feel my fucking pain!!!!!

Anyone wanna see Kim eating a banana backwards or my chin being mad ?

Who the fuck wouldn't ???

Backwards from Holly A2 Art on Vimeo.

26 November, 2010

As my world buffers ...

There has been limited action on the blog for the past few days and for that I apologies and hope to redeem myself !! The the other hand the blog also has 2 other members .... think about that ! Where is their apology ?? hmmm ??

I am currently watching (unpredictably) Tina Fey: The Kennedy Centre Mark Twain Prize on PBS's website ! So I thought while it buffered i would blog !

Today has been a day of conflicting emotions .... i had to go shopping ! :'(

it stressed me the fuck out !!

then i found H! by Henry Holland and Wagamamas and my life was suddenly joyous !! yaaay!!

i just text my mum saying she looked like she had been ice blasted ... i hope that term doesn't have a weird meaning ! ??

22 November, 2010

in response to Kim

Katherines hair in that pic!!!!!! wtf??

also no pun intended on the bare ??

desperate housewives!

im blogging cos holly told me to
and i fear holly so.............
Im not sure if ive mentioned before but i watch desperate housewives and recently i got colm to start watching it (he's currently up to season 5 woop woop!)
so yeh sunday night we were watching some episodes from season 5 when i realised:
so for the rest of my evening im proper excited, i wake up, late for school, and think maybe its a sign, maybe i shouldnt go to school, MAYBE I SHOULD STAY HOME AND WATCH DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES!!! but then i end up going school cos my attendance in like 1% and im only 3 months in to the year..
FAST FORWARD: after coming home from a long day of school, rushing to colms house, then us both rushing to his work, then me getting caught in a train rush i finally come home sit down on the sofa and doze off and finally bring my self to set up the laptop and prepare myself for new desperate housewives!!
only to find out there is no new episodes cos of thanksgiving.
that is all

bare apples
kim xx

'but clearly it's fucking gary colemans face'

So boss improv from the fey !!!

You're in it right now !

this is an awesome re-cut of the garden state trailer !!

for comparison here is the real deal !!
watch, compare, live the dream!

Can you read my palm, can you read my mind?

No you can't ... neither can I but if you are here you can read these blog posts !!

So A LOT is occuring here at the OK PHO headquarters ! - word play kinda due to my real name !

I managed to go my 2 essays completed by the deadline ... word play cause i now feel dead !!

apparently this post in aboot fake wordplay !!

well i didn't have an agenda but am quite enjoying how its turning out !!

I have a head-ache name play again !

I wanna pho for dinner but Kim said to wait and as she is my controller i must remain here until i recieve further instructions ! Plus i might b too tired to stand ?

my feet are also wet due to the rain !! joyous !!

ok audiiiii for nowdiiiii

21 November, 2010

Say you want to runaway ...

ok still just listening to the song on repeat while doing some vague dancing and some full on sneezing !!

Still should be doing work !!

Proper love this song but can't find it anywhere apart from here! :'(
Shit I realz should be doing some work right aboot now but I just find myslef compelled to the wonders of youtube instead !! fuck of once i have finished this blog post i will pull myself together and do it!! with the strength of my horrible sparkling water that i bought by accident ! :'(

Listen and enjoy !!

20 November, 2010

I should be doing work !!

ok so just took a quick break - well i slept so like a 10 hours break - from work ! wurgh that amount of time lost has made me feel sick ! Anyway to act do that work i celotaped up my phone and my intetnet connection socket so i could no get distracted! it is, however, amazing how long you can stare at a wall for without even realising ! urgh ! i was also gonna photograph the phone and comp but then i realised the only camera i have with me in on my phone ! eek !!

also i wanted to put this trailer ... the film looks shit but the kid at the end is soooo cute when he says "omg i have that" !! awwwwwwwwwwww !!! you can just jump to like 2.19 to see it !!

18 November, 2010


 SO. for those who care, Katy Perry just released her first perfume called Purr
so me being bored as often and easily as i am came accross a live streaming video
of a signing of hers in america when i noticed her nails!!!
(as you can see in this bad screen shot i took)
sparkly and glittery and yaaay so i copied it! 
and this blog post is basically me bragging aboot how proud i am of myself
i dont have a pic cos i dont know how to take a picture of my nails without looking
like a prick, so basically this blog post is pointless right?
time to get sidtracked
(for me)
 kim xx

17 November, 2010

This is why I should live in New York !!!

I could literally burst into tears !

I ♥ Goran !!

I have to watch Welcome to Sarajevo for my lecture tomorrow, i have it on DVD but pissed it's not working for some reason ?? hmmmm???

So i'm basically fucked for watching it but oh well i've seen it before a couple of times ... not that i can remember ! :s eek !!

Anyway while looking for it online I found this interview with Goran !! yaayy !! watch and enjoy !!

15 November, 2010

While on the Fey let's look at some Fey-kery of hers on Halloween !

Just found this pic as I was uploading the pic for the last pic! This is Tina on Halloween dressed as tootsie !!

This is tootsie ... she did a fine job!!

Shout out to the Fey !!

Tina Fey won the Mark Twain award for humour !! Which is awesome its like the best award of being funny !!! So yaaaaay !!!

Today is were the classyness has been !!

So know it !!

My hair having washed it with soap was vile, but i still hadv't bought shampoo... so I was like shit what shall I do??
Washing up liquid ....hellz yes i am that grim and i now smell like washing up whats been left and kinda musty! Boss !! this truely is my finest hour !

other events of the day !
i realised i'm ill and poor ! so my illness is going to have to go away with the 8 paracetemol I have left !! good luck immune system !

also at 9.14am, as I was lying asleep feeling ill. I heard a knock at the door, ignored it and rolled over, next thing key in the door, next thing man in my room. Instead of looking shocked and apologising he tries to have a conversation with me, which in my tiredness and shock lead to me saying 'eugh' and skweeming into a ball shape under my cover until he left ! The joys of halls !


14 November, 2010

Colm got a BJ minus the B

Whats happening blog bitches, Captain AmeriColm is popping his head into your computer's vagina to give you a comprehensive report on what awesome goings on  are going on in his awesome life so sit back and take it like the blog whore you are.
First and foremost, let me set the scene: I (the delicious literary force of nature you know as Colm) have been looking for a J-O-B for a while now, turns out laughing at pictures of cats on the internet doesn't pay the bills. So I apply all over this bitch, I even applied for a job at Pho (a PHO job)  to no avail, all my applications fell flat on your mum's fat arse.
And then one day, I got a message on Facespacer with a link to apply at M&S, so I played my montage music (through the fire and the flames, naturally) and filled out that form smoke was coming off all 11 of my fingers, and by the great beard of Moses it worked, shit told my my application was succesful.
Now alls I had to do was book an interview, so I click the link to find an available slot... NONE AVAILABLE
Regular readers will know, Colm don't play that shit, but desperate times call for desperate measures, so I held off on the poo flinging assault I had pencilled in on the following tuesday and played the waiting game. It was less than 17 hours before the miracle took place, and that miracle my friends, came in the form of Kim.
Kim had a look while I was busy sculpting my guns and saving orphans from burning buildings, and found that there was a vacancy at covent garden. And she clicked that motherfucker. And it was good. 
Got my arse an interview and passed with swimming colours, so now I'll be earning money to feed my Pho addiction and contribute to what will be later known as the bible of OK PHO

Now i'm gonna boil my head because when Colm enters your computer, he enters every blog you've ever been with, and thats just nasty.

Felt good though didn't it?

Thought so

madness of the purple colour

talking absolute crap is also another sign of purple madness.. as seen from the last two blog posts by me and holly :'(
kim xx

purple madnessssss

hollys most recent blog (as seen below)
is a terrible result of Purple MADNESS!!!!!!!
i think if purple madness were a picture
it would be this
this is currently what is going on in my mind and has been for the past week since Dr Holly diagnosed me with PURPLE MADNESS
no cures have been discovered ........ YET
but ongoing research on getting extremely wasted is still being tested.

kim xx

Glamorous !!

This is the moment you have all been waiting for !! OK PHO's annual Glamour awards !! This is the moment when one of the 3 three members get the award for Glamour! I am proud to announce that I myself have been awarded this award. I stunned the judges with the shear glamorous goings on of my everyday life. Here is me having just woken up ..

oh wait actually no ... i just washed my hair with soap cause I ran outa shampoo.
My not so glamorous life ! 

13 November, 2010

Hellllo world

Once again i changed the blog due to boredom !! also i haven't rally been able to blog cause every time i tried my computer crashed !! :'(

 soooo whats gone on ....??

Me and Kim have developed something called purple madness, it can not currently be bought but can be experienced ... if you feel you are suffering from purple madness make sure to contact one of the OK PHO medics !! I'm not gonna give you symptoms cause if you have purple madness you just know !!

Also I rediscovered my love of television !! it never really went away but it is back full blown !! That may b why the redesign looks as it does ... only just realised that ... ohh subconscious how i love you !!

Also again ... I fucking love green wing !!

I am super excited for Episodes !!! i shall say more when i know more !!

09 November, 2010

People's Choice awards!!

okay so i just got home, had a shower switche don the laptop and started checking out the usual suspects, twitter, facebook, topshop, the blog. but whilst on twitter i noticed Neil Patrick Harris posted up a link to vote for him in Peoples Choice awards so im like YO. i have nothing better to do with my evening. and so i start voting.. a majority of my votes aimed at  ROBERT DOWNEY JR
and then i come across this category and im like... FUCK.
 then i realised. erm did drew barrymore have a nose and lip job? or is she just photoshopped to not look like herself???
well anyway. i ended up voting for Steve Carrell (sorry holly. please dont kill me!!)
so yah.. i carried on with the voting and came across this...
my answer? errm how bout none?
so i done exactly that i skipped it :)
but then i regretted it and realised i should have voted for emma watson. cos harry potter, my childhood, blah blah, model for burberry blah... but still... wurgh.

and then they made me vote some videos


that is all 
kim xx

I was bored so changed the blog !!

it doesn't realy make sense !

boy its cold !!!!!!!!!!!!!

07 November, 2010

coursework sucks!!

me expressing how i feel about coursework... thank god this photo blurred cos i look terrible.. but ironically, im wearing one of colms t shirts and hammer pants that holly got me from sri lanka!!

this used to be my bed.

i thought id be good and use research from books... then i realised they spread the answers out on way to many pages and started using wikipedia. thank god for wikipedia.

kim xx

the wonders of a webcam!

we miss you holly!! this is what we do on weekends when you're not around making us drunk!!
kim xx

05 November, 2010

Video chatting without a mic ... we have taken it to an art form !!

Colm you need to change your name ...

preferably to one word that begins with O !!


say if ur name was ooglejuiper this could happen ...

OoglejuiperKim PongpanichkulHollyO'leary

get it ... OK PHO !! arghh !

also sorry kim for spelling your name wrong feel free to correct !!!

03 November, 2010

So what's the dealio ??

i'm am purely here because last night as i signed off skype chat with the other PHOkers from this blog Kim said "somebody blog"!

So I am .... hmmmmm ..... what to say....

Sound, task done, see ya !

01 November, 2010


and unfortunatley for me, im gonna have to wait until next summer before i even come close to getting some Pepper Lunch.
i cant be bothered to explain what pepper lunch is but its basically a hot plate with food you cook yourself and its soooooooooooooo tasty haha
now i couldnt find any GOOD videos :(
but heres their reaaalll boring commerical video on youtube


and heres the link to their website!!


enjoy Ok Phoers!
kim xx