30 October, 2010

Woah !

A LOT has changed since I last be on the blog !!

We have a new name, kilm don't have braclets an kims bbm broke so my life is over. Spesh when I get back to notts on mon ... I may have to kill myself !!
There's loadsa Halloweeennn times goin on but I'm not involved in any .. Arthur might do somethin tonight with his friend Max (both 9) not sure I'm invited though!

So what have I been up to ?? Well since I got pool I have literally either been cooking or looking after Arthur !! Who is a cutie but also very tiring!
Yesterday I cooked the food for a dinner party John was having, I made lasagne, goats cheese salad, tomato salad, and roasted herby wedged potato things !! And Arthur made a Sherry Gateux under my strict instruction !!

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