25 October, 2010

Chipsticks, sicks and awesome tricks !!

 So i'm proper loving chipsticks at the moment !! Like mega times .. they are so good and sour!! You are also reminded of the tastiness after you've finished them cause they burn your mouth raw !! good times !!
 So i was proper sick this weekend like actual vommed a lot !! Is it grim to blog that ... possible ... but its done now so deal with it !!!
 So awesome tricks that's just here cause it ryhmes but i'm gonna pretend it relates to 30 rock ... you know how I love it !! I just watched the ep and LOVED IT !! <3

I love Liz lemon !!

I also love Kenneth and especially loved them calling him K-Swiss !!

ok see ya fools and if ya ain't watched 30 Rock do so now ... literally drop whatever is going on (unless you are holding a baby or a cat) and get on your comp and watch and watch and watch !!!

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