18 October, 2010

Welcome World ... the words on this blog will change your life ... maybe ??

Hello we are Kim, Colm and Holly !!!! We will all introduce ourselves individually but this post is letting you know the vibe...
The three of us our friends.
The three of us attended Hampstead School.
Two of us attended Beckford School.
One of us attended some shit School.
The three of us love PHO.
and I mean we PHO-king love it !
One of us is from Liverpool.
Two of us wish we were from Liverpool.
Two of us live in London.
One of us lives in Nottingham.
One of us is unhealthily obsessed with 30 Rock.
One of us Love Katy Perry quite a bit.
Two of us have blackberys.
The three of us love you, and think that you should follow this blog !!

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