29 October, 2010


The less awesome of you may not know that we here at OK Pho love us some free shit. We love it good. So imagine our soopreez when we (Kim) hear that Links of London:
Were having a giveaway of their friendship range (each worth £110)
The idea was simple, alls a brother had to do was to follow clues on thier punk-ass facebook page (the clues lead to a location in london) then turn up on the day, take a picture with some bitch Gnome arsehole and walk into the shop with the picture and pick a free bracelet.
So obviously, Bad ass mudderphokers like us turned up, it was like some sort of dream.
And for a time, it was good. Myself and OKim Phongpanichcool quickstepped our arses to BOTH the London dates and got a bracelet on each occasion, bringing our net profit to - £440 
(potentially, but we decided to keep them cos they be real nice like)
And then it happened. We found out that there would be an online giveaway.
Shit just got real
The rules were different this time round, bitches had to go on the site and find the timid gnome fuck and get a screenshot, then email the pic to some douche at Links. A little more complex than the other hunts perhaps but still small game for some free shit.
So we were all "game on motherfucker"
So its the day of the hunt now, Kim and I be up and on the PHOne, planning our attack like.
we decided to do it on the computer
it just made sense
So the Gnome was meant to appear between 11am and 5pm, we get on at 10.30 to get a head start on the gnome bastard. As soon as it hits 11 we refreshed that bitch at the same time. Shit wasn't working.
turns out the IT team at links aint know shit about no servers and there was too much demand.
As you'd assume, we were less than pleased.
And we ended up not winning one online, bringing our net profit to:
£Go fuck yourself Links

pictured below: the founder of Links

and heres a pic kim drew to express her anger:

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