30 October, 2010

I proper LOVE Betty and Matt !!!

I'm not even that sure why, as I havn't actually seen one ep of Ugly Betty where they are a couple and have only seen like 10 eps of Ugly Betty overall! But whatever I love them !! here's why ... first time I've seen most of these clips !!

Marks and Spencer ...

really know what they are doing when it comes to making biscuits !! yumz !

The Today show is soooo weird !!

We need to get our motherPHOking selves to Chicago ...

Also ...

On wednesday night I went to see Anthony and Cleopatra at the Playhouse !! It starred fellow scouser Kim Cattrell !! She was awesome as was the play !!

As I can't find any photos of the play here is a video of her as Samantha in Sex and the City !!

Follow us on Twitter!

i am so proud of this picture :)
my editing skills on paint are improving!!!
kim xx

Speaking of PHO !!

I just made PHO as well as any english person without a recipe and only a tesco can !! it was damn good ... super spicy pho !!
I feel i should put more PHO word play in this PHOst but I'm too tired !!

Here's a PHOto for your PHOking lucky eyes !

Woah !

A LOT has changed since I last be on the blog !!

We have a new name, kilm don't have braclets an kims bbm broke so my life is over. Spesh when I get back to notts on mon ... I may have to kill myself !!
There's loadsa Halloweeennn times goin on but I'm not involved in any .. Arthur might do somethin tonight with his friend Max (both 9) not sure I'm invited though!

So what have I been up to ?? Well since I got pool I have literally either been cooking or looking after Arthur !! Who is a cutie but also very tiring!
Yesterday I cooked the food for a dinner party John was having, I made lasagne, goats cheese salad, tomato salad, and roasted herby wedged potato things !! And Arthur made a Sherry Gateux under my strict instruction !!

Dont Forget The Robot!

For those who are How I Met Your Mother fans and those who arent.

kim xx

29 October, 2010

Japan to China - Google Maps.

Go to Google Maps, and get directions for Japan to China and look at instruction 43

or check this bad screen shot i took

kim xx


The less awesome of you may not know that we here at OK Pho love us some free shit. We love it good. So imagine our soopreez when we (Kim) hear that Links of London:
Were having a giveaway of their friendship range (each worth £110)
The idea was simple, alls a brother had to do was to follow clues on thier punk-ass facebook page (the clues lead to a location in london) then turn up on the day, take a picture with some bitch Gnome arsehole and walk into the shop with the picture and pick a free bracelet.
So obviously, Bad ass mudderphokers like us turned up, it was like some sort of dream.
And for a time, it was good. Myself and OKim Phongpanichcool quickstepped our arses to BOTH the London dates and got a bracelet on each occasion, bringing our net profit to - £440 
(potentially, but we decided to keep them cos they be real nice like)
And then it happened. We found out that there would be an online giveaway.
Shit just got real
The rules were different this time round, bitches had to go on the site and find the timid gnome fuck and get a screenshot, then email the pic to some douche at Links. A little more complex than the other hunts perhaps but still small game for some free shit.
So we were all "game on motherfucker"
So its the day of the hunt now, Kim and I be up and on the PHOne, planning our attack like.
we decided to do it on the computer
it just made sense
So the Gnome was meant to appear between 11am and 5pm, we get on at 10.30 to get a head start on the gnome bastard. As soon as it hits 11 we refreshed that bitch at the same time. Shit wasn't working.
turns out the IT team at links aint know shit about no servers and there was too much demand.
As you'd assume, we were less than pleased.
And we ended up not winning one online, bringing our net profit to:
£Go fuck yourself Links

pictured below: the founder of Links

and heres a pic kim drew to express her anger:



yaaaay. what took them so long?

its abit random though..

kim xx

28 October, 2010

Hi my name is

Ok bitches. We decided that we had to change our name. The Three Hungry Hungry Queers decided that the name was misleading and got creepy results on google so now we're OK Pho, cos we love us some PHO up in this beach! The idea for the 3 hungry queers came from the three musketeers and we changed it to suit our hunger/gayness. but in retrospect this wasn't the best name for this blog as people looking for queers on the internet are ACTUALLY looking for queers.
So now it's OK Pho, like OK GO without the music. Or the crazy videos. Or the beardy bald one.

Scratch that last one, we got holly.

xoxo you know you love me colmgirl

hangin with artois ...

no not with stella but my little brother Arthur ... he's hyper and weird. today we played wii, made cookies and i realised i think he needs glasses. we have also been makin a stop frame animation and listenin to this on repeat .... it shall now b repeated for your ears ....



 So i done a bit of research (thats a lie) and figured out why i can no longer socialize with the world (holly + colm... mostly holly).
i thought it was direct debit yo?
AND ITS SO UNFAIR cos she has two phone contracts paid by the same account and one phone works and the other (mine) doesnt :'( .... and no-one even uses the other phone!!! its just a replacement for our house phone!!!! and now im not even making sense because my family is so complicated when it comes to phones!!!

 so yeh now im temporaily using the down down down grade of this phone (its so old even google images couldnt find a picture of it)
be be em ( blackberry messenger) wasnt even being created when this prehistoric phone was about :'(
so enough of my ranting...
ill leave y'all with a little something to think about.
if quizzes are quizzical..
what are tests?

keem x

26 October, 2010

Shit often !!

Wurgh America have remade Skins and it looks fucking awful !! I wasn't completley into Skins when it was on but seeing the american version makes me appriciate how good it was !!

Here's first UK trailer !!

Here's first american !! wurgh !

I would like to point out ...

30 Rock isn't the only tv show i'm into ... though it is my current obsession !! but I also love Green Wing cause it is fucking hilarious !!!! See for yo selves !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Also it's become quite apparent that I love to embed videos !!!

Apparently I just can't resist ....

These two are the cutest ...

This video is awesome ...

25 October, 2010

I realised I have more to add ...

If you are in fact holding someone over a cliff and are still reading our blog then kudos to you, that's a mega achievement !! Bravo bravo !! If anyone can prove this is the case I will personally mail you a 30 Rock box, set of colouring pencils and a signed photo from three hungry queers* (thats what you all want!)

and just to mix things up our mates from scrubs !!

*Note: Picture will be signed by anyone I can find will not include me, Kim or Colm.

In response to my post earlier and a QUEERy made by Kim !!

Earlier I said this 'ok see ya fools and if ya ain't watched 30 Rock do so now ... literally drop whatever is going on (unless you are holding a baby or a cat) and get on your comp and watch and watch and watch !!!'

And Kim said this 'or if you're holding someone over a cliff'

So I said this 'No i don't care aboot those people'

Kim then pointed out this 'cue new flash Tina Fey dropped from cliff by crazed blog reader'

Some of the above quotes are kinda off cause I'm working from memory but if you watching 30 Rock causes death of a 30 Rock cast member that is not cool !! But then here comes storming in another conundrum if you havent seen 30 Rock how would you know if the person you are killing is a 30 Rock cast member ... I don't know ??? But before you kill check cause I want more episodes !! Just thought I should clear that up.


just letting the world know i proper love this advert

kim xx

I love how ...

it doesn't matter how much I intend to not blog aboot 30 Rock it always happens !!

So I may aswel just throw this in !!

Chipsticks, sicks and awesome tricks !!

 So i'm proper loving chipsticks at the moment !! Like mega times .. they are so good and sour!! You are also reminded of the tastiness after you've finished them cause they burn your mouth raw !! good times !!
 So i was proper sick this weekend like actual vommed a lot !! Is it grim to blog that ... possible ... but its done now so deal with it !!!
 So awesome tricks that's just here cause it ryhmes but i'm gonna pretend it relates to 30 rock ... you know how I love it !! I just watched the ep and LOVED IT !! <3

I love Liz lemon !!

I also love Kenneth and especially loved them calling him K-Swiss !!

ok see ya fools and if ya ain't watched 30 Rock do so now ... literally drop whatever is going on (unless you are holding a baby or a cat) and get on your comp and watch and watch and watch !!!

24 October, 2010

How we spent our saturday part 1

The 3 hungry queers met up on saturday, Jolly Pho Queery was down from uni so we took this ample opportunity to reunite, eat heartily and imbibe liquor until we could imbibe no more. it started how all good things should start with a steaming bowl of PHO (vietnamese soup noodles bitches) at westfields. because of this special occasion, Westfield decided to hold an extreme sport event as an homage to the blog (the boss must know how EXTREME we are)and it was a truly extreme hour, I was all like :
We had just finished our meal of soup and noodle when we were accosted by two females claiming to be giving out freebies, Freebies in the form of face cream gel shit. We begrudgingly accepted and holly judiciously applied said cream jel shit to her facial region, bitch didn't want to look stupid obviously. By the time we realised our mistake it was already too late, the cream had started a vicious assault on Holly's face. Shit got graphic, blood was spilled and holly was left viciously disfigured
As you've probably guessed, we swore revenge.


i'd just like to make it clear that i proper hate this show,
but only became interested cos thats what happens when you give my mum the TV remote
but i must thank her for aiding me in the discovery of my precious Wags 
plus i proper love Rebecca && Matt!!

but back to Wags, i proper love him cos his
performances are hilarious
plus i love spice girls AND ricky martin!!

kim xx

23 October, 2010

.... colms 15 tyeaar old not 25

drunken timwes

helloo kim & holly here
we're at colms house and we had a drunken catch up,. drinking our favourite cheaop drink
Peache schnapps!!!
and wkd and corona and shitt..
anywho colms on a tyrip to kfc with greek (alex) qnd we;re just awaiting ouir food (not holly cos shes a veggie)
holly isnt even here shes bare just wasted on the floor wurgh and vomiteed like 6 times
and mel (colms 25 year old brother) isd taaking care of 4 drunken 18 year odls oops
yeh i have too many spelliung mistakee here oops
kim xx

20 October, 2010

bee tea double you...

i forgot to add that i just deleted my youtube account because Google seem to be merging with ERR-THANG these days, so i kept getting confused when my Gmail tried to log in to my Youtube and when Youtube kept telling me my account didnt exist............
maybe the problem is with Youtube
or maybe the problem is with my laptop
or maybe the problem is with me

but im blaming Google

plus now ive deleted my subscriptions and my favourite videos and anything else that wasnt really that important to me....from my youtube account :'(

 kim xx


if you havent already seen this super adorable video then
i want the teeny tiny bunny eating the carrot!!! awwww
sound kicks in at 0:03 secs

also, i've just realised this video isnt that cute after you've seen the bunny... it comes to a point where you realise you're listening to a highly addictive song and looking at hairy creatures nommin on some veggies................................................................................................................ holly on a daily basis
kim xx

Liz Lemon madness always a winner !!

Why we are friends ?

We all have the ability to wear glasses, stand in kitchens and hold things while looking directly at camera ... what more could you want ?

Random Wakenings !!

OK ... blogger keeps being crap and crashing my computer ... oh no what will i do ?? So a lot of thing I woulda posted I haven't, I now can't remember what they are (musta been worth while!!!)

So basics - I'm an idiot ... i keep forgetting I have work to do!!! I just ate a really good sandwich it was carrot, spinach and humous (i am imagining colm saying 'bun that have some steak!') Also just had my first seminar presention  . .  it was ok !! I am also drastically running out of clothes ... so needa do some ironing or washing !! Sorry thats so boring but if i write it here i might remember !!

In reference to the title ...
As the scouse girl slept a dreamful sleep ... suddenly she woke, with no explanation. As she lay there she decided to check the time ... while on her phone she thought she may as well check twitter and facebook. As she did the londoner realised she needed to pee and woke from her dreams of plentiful clothes, on checking her phone she also checked twitter, then on the spur of the moment decided to bbm the scouse girl aboot the twittering events. As she typed the message she assumed she would be sleeping and recieve it when she woke. The scouse girls hand vibrated, she saw the meesage from the londoner and wondered why should they both be awake at such a strange hour of slumber?

18 October, 2010

kim kim kim kim kim kim kim kim kim kim kim kim

i have no idea what to write about myself, and I'm the last to do the whole writing stuff about yourself thing. which means i can only write the best... or the worst... expect the worst.
dad is from Thailand
mum is from Singapore
i was born in London
i like spending money
or maybe i dislike saving? GET ME?
i love sunshine
i hate bugs, insects etc
i love pandas
i love Katy Perry
i love this drink called Kickapoo
i love Shia Labeouf && Robert Downey Junior
i hate coursework and school related things
i love Colm
i love Holly
but you'll find out more about all of that in future posts... hopefully.
ooh i also love all the go compare adverts, but dont actually know what he's trying to sell..

Intro to Captain AmeriColm

Alright motherbitches, My name is Colm (pronounced column) Irish family but born and raised in London. I'm pretty all over the place in terms of interests and that but basically I like a whole mess of stuff, mostly music and films. I'll be rocking your eyeballs with whatever happens to be on my mind at the time (most likely something about food cos i'm always hungry). I'm into acting and directing, and on that subject despite the name of this blog I am in fact a JETerosexual (hetero doesn't really describe it) so thats what I do... by day.

by night I'm this guy

Hi I'm Holly !!

I am from Liverpool, but have lived in London for a bit and Hertfordshire... I now live in Nottingham!!
I get overly obsessed with things and my B12 deficiency often causes me to have mini breakdowns!! I am at Nottingham Uni doing a degree in Film and Television Studies! I just went onto Myspace to get this photo ... cringe at things i wrote back then !! I'm sure i will look at this and be like what the what ... probs tomorrow !!! eek !!
Kim and Colm are actually my alter ego's ...

Welcome World ... the words on this blog will change your life ... maybe ??

Hello we are Kim, Colm and Holly !!!! We will all introduce ourselves individually but this post is letting you know the vibe...
The three of us our friends.
The three of us attended Hampstead School.
Two of us attended Beckford School.
One of us attended some shit School.
The three of us love PHO.
and I mean we PHO-king love it !
One of us is from Liverpool.
Two of us wish we were from Liverpool.
Two of us live in London.
One of us lives in Nottingham.
One of us is unhealthily obsessed with 30 Rock.
One of us Love Katy Perry quite a bit.
Two of us have blackberys.
The three of us love you, and think that you should follow this blog !!