04 February, 2011

How sweet is T-Fey please !!

Vanessa Minnillo who guest starred on this weeks 30 Rock said this about her fave moment on set ...
keep thinking about this moment. Just to see everything that revolves around Tina and to see this big beautiful show she has, "30 Rock," and what she’s done with it. And then, and know that she’s a mother, and know that she’s gone through so much in her life.
We literally sat there and we were just two girls and she was talking to me and Elizabeth about these snacks. And she was like, "I was given these snacks," she’s like, "And I’m eating them. Like, I’m munching. I’m almost done with the whole bag." And she was so excited about these snacks.
And again, we go to do a take and she’s very professional and she’s talking to people on set and she’s very professional, on a business call very professional, but then she runs to her trailer and she looked like the cutest little like 12-year old girl, like legs going left and right, running, running, running in her big coat, and she grabs her little bag of treats and runs back with this grin on her face.
It was the most awkward, cutest, most adorable running and smiling and giddy. And she got back and she was like, "Oh, I wanted to show you guys the treats." And I’m like, "You’re just - you’re amazing. You have it so together and you are so down to earth." I have that vision of her just running down the streets of New York smiling and holding this bag of candy. I know that sounds lame, but I loved that moment. I love that she’s still her. You know what I mean? And someone didn’t go get it for her and she made it a very real moment for me.

Doing this post made me miss dinner and now I'm also running late but I don't care cause the story is too sweet !!!

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