22 January, 2011

I would like to apologise for my absense...

I have several reasons #welltwo but you will just have to deal with that. One I've had no internet (i still don't) which makes blogging very very very very very very difficult - I'm sure you can imagine. Also for the point that I did have internet my laptop was (and continues to be) so spaztic that it crashes or dies whenever I go onto bloger. I know I know it killed my soul too.

So what have I been up 2 ?
What haven't I been up 2?
I dunno ?

I have refund my love for ER it is officially ammay!! if you haven't watched it (I am talking to you KILM) you must do soo IMMEDIATLEY !! (imagine immediatley said like principal duvall says it in mean girls!)
I but in a picture for your minds- got one with t-fey cause she is awse too !!

You know whats not ammay ? (I know you are thinking Kilms faces but thats not what I'm talking about!)

This piece of shit that I can't believe they dared to make - talk about missing the point !! argh !!

Anyway back to ER !!! I LOVE IT SOOO MUCH !! It is truly awesome !!!

I love Lubby (above) they are so much better than Carby who just don't work - as much as you want them to. I just google imaged carter so I could put a picture and found the most halerious photo shoot!


Watching ER has also made me reaallly feel for Donnie Darko !!

but my copy is in London so I will just have to wait !! :'(

Also episodes started !!! :D I've only seen the first episode cause of my stupid internet ! :(  But i think I like !!!

So hope you are all living the dream !! I feel I probs have more to say but this post is long so I'll go !!

Audi x

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