19 December, 2010

Guess who's back for Xmas...

Thats right e-sluts, Father Colmas

Where to start? basically my Pimp ass has been out there makin benjamins
"How Pimpmaster C? selling dope? selling ass?"
That shit's inaccurate bitch


So yah basically ya'll should already be familiar with the fact I work for M&S
here's an update.
I'm working the late shift cos I'm too GD cool to be awake at 7am, everybody knows a real gangsta does all his riding dirty in the afternoon. 

I've been working there for like a month and a bit or almost 2 so a full update would hurt my balls to type, so i'll give you the jizzed of it


my favourite manager left, my second fav just went on 2 weeks holiday so I'm left with the 2 who dont like me.
the top woman of the store thinks i'm hood, and out of all the xmas temps its between me and some dude called ariel. i'm always in and on time so im in a good place and hopefully they'll keep me on... 

that was boring to type and probably even more boring to read so in return... have this

18 December, 2010

Links Links Links Links Links!!!

Look what colm got meeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A Links strawberry charrmmmmmm eeeeeeeeeeee HAPPY

16 December, 2010


in celebration of me FINALLY sending off my UCAS form, i'd like to share this video with all the readers...
this is what goes through my mind ALOT

I'm feeling full on nostalgic !!

Fillllm timess !!

I feel o shitty right now !! :'(

This is a blog about film making !! Yayy !!

Firstly Everybody Loves Lou - a film I helped to make at Nottingham with the film making society ! i shall link you when I can, it's 20min long and aboot love and death !!
Unfortunatley i missed the weekend it was actually shot on ! :'( cause i was in berlin but i helped with preproduction and went to the reshoot day ! yaay !!

This is us after we had wrapped !!

Then yesterday I went to help on this fantasy film being filmed in pool !! it was cool ! i wanted to take a pic of where it was shot but didnt know if that was cool .. it was like an old canteen on an industrial park with a massive green screen ! one of the old food places was called "east meats west" haha !!

14 December, 2010


i think ive mentioned it before but all of you should be watching depserate housewives... even hollys making an effort to catch up!!! but colms being boring and hasnt watched it since he got his new job :'(
but boy is he missing out.
im not gonna say what happens but just know that OMG ITS CRAZY AMAZING.
so yeh this is just a pointless post to epress how crazy i am about the show and how much i cant wait for next weeks episode.

ALSO.. i think i have a thing for funny animal videos recently

kim xx

12 December, 2010

Just found something really funny BUT ..

I can't put it on the blog so guttered for your lives. I am, however, gonna crop the screen print i took of it and e-mail it to Kim as soon as I can find a mouse! A real one i just need the emotional support when sending an e-mail!
oh no by saying i took a screen print i have given away that its on the Internet ... good luck searching ! i am saying this like anyone act reads the blog but oh well !! I've also built it up way too much it's not that funny just slightly amusing in hindsight ! The word hindsight always makes me think of ER !! Weird ey ??

Oh i forgot to mention I went to see megamind yesterday !! it's awesome I love it !!! i love megamind !!! it was so emotional ... it probably wasn't but Tina was in it so I can't judge what was going on over my excitement !!

I'm in a bit of a weird mood ... it's not purple madness ... this one is Orange Fonder !!! I don't know why is just is !!

everything is so weird

11 December, 2010

no internettt

for now.
recently my internet contract finished and my mum didnt renew it but shes been joining and cancelling and joining and cancelling different broadband companies, so we havent actually gotten anywhere near enough getting actual internet, and ive been living off one of my neighbours' wifi!
thank god for people who dont know how to put password on their wifi!!
but the only problem is that they switch it on and off at random points in the day and im left sitting here waiting for my laptop to connect to it whenever they do switch it on
unfortunately i havent got any cool videos to show you guys...

kim xx

Colm reckons ...

he is too good for the blog !! he has a job so is letting kim et me melt into madness of web-based thoughts !!

as a warning colm we will soon look like this !!

while on youtube ...

i found this ...

Talking of Jimmy Fallon he hosted the emmys this year !

Looks like a boss times ... if i was Jimmy I woulda been there !

hear the emmy lowdown here

Tina Fey on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon (Sep. 21, 2010) from Susan Traherne on Vimeo.

I would also like the world to be aware that I know the emmys were ages ago !! AGES !! but it just came into my head... i may have already blogged about it ! if so guttered for your life !

Tofu Wings !!

I have decided that I want to be Jimmy Fallon !! He hangs out with all the cool people ...

and he is awesome !

03 December, 2010

Tired and awake!

At 7pm I felt I was gonna die from tiredness !! At 7.30 I went out, and just got in !! To sustain my life i had a relentless and 2 dr peppers !! 
I was at rehersals for the short film this weekend and i got all shakey and weird from the caffine ... kilm knows !! i don't know if i'm making sense ! have to go prop and costume shopping in the morning !! woop !!
 i was told i looked like i'd taken coke !

like this ... i love how this resembles that picture of colm in my kitchen ... wait i'll find it !! wait?? where the fuck are you going ?

ok it wont let me upload it ! :( here's the link .. if it works !!
