01 April, 2011


i feel i spelt the title wrong? or maybe cos its in caps it looks weird.. anyways, i assume u can guess what this post is about...
ohhh yess...
so the other day me and Colm went to S.E London cos i had an interview and GREENWICH UNIVERSITY (spelling?). it was a load of balls. dont apply. unless u wanna be told ur too young to be on a course?!?!?!?!
ANYWAYS. after my terrible morning stuck in a tiny room with a bunch of strangers, me and colm went to MAMAPHO!!!!!
my cousins, girlfriends, family restaurant /cafe type place and mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm they sell some goooooooooooooood pho.

i bore myself whenever i type for the blog. so heres a video dedication to what day it is today...

kim xx

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